Off we go into the Super Wal-Mart, down our funds go into the store... (Think of the Air Force Song when you read that). At any rate we made it to the brand-new Super Mal-Mart located in sunny Palmdale California. If you don't know what a SWM is, basically it is a Wal-Mart with a grocery store attached. It was kind of a let-down as I was expecting something, well, more
SUPER! All in all it was a pretty nice store though.
Our frame search did not go well, I was hoping to get at least 3 frames matted for 11x14 and all they had was one. I was very disappointed in that, but considering how much that would have cost I guess it is a good thing. I went ahead and got the one frame and two other that hold 3 4x6s each - so I am going to create a collage to place over Denise's sowing stuff. If I arrange it right I think it will look pretty cool. I will just need to take some more photographs to get enough imagines and figure out what I am going to do for the 11x14.
Unfortunately Devin was in a
MAJOR mood when we went to lunch and as a result he was told that he would not get anything for his tooth pulling efforts. We had hoped that the threat of loosing the "present" would be enough to calm him down, however it just didn't work. We may still try to figure out something to do, but for now that is
The one weird thing about being in wal-mart is we ran into a lot of people we knew. We ran into the Willson's (their blog is
here), along with Rosie (and her husband), and we saw other people that we work with. It is just kind of odd - I guess everyone had the same idea - to check out the new store!

We also picked up the new
Epson R1800 printer at BestBuy. So, I now have the old printers off the desk and file cabinet and the new one in it's new home. I have yet to print a large format print with it. I have to figure out what I am going to do for that 11x14 frame before I print the large stuff! So far it seems like a really good printer - and the 4x6 prints look like the R800 prints.
We also ran by Sears to buy the new baby crib bedding. They had ONE of the packages that Denise was looking for so she gobbled it up. As soon as we get the crib in it's place and everything put together I will post pictures of that as well.
Today was a pretty long day and we didn't get home until late. So I did not get a chance to take any more video or work on any other photographs. Maybe tomorrow!