Getting there...

Not much else is going on around here. I have been focused on work and it has been fairly distracting for the last few days along with everything that was happening last week. I THINK everything has stabilized so it should start calming down. The main problem I am having right now is juggling my current task with my real job. Kind of frustrating...
I am starting to make the move to Adobe Photoshop CS2 and I loaded the "tryout" version to get familiar with it. I thought INCORRECTLY that it would be Photoshop Elements 3.0 with extra features. The basic look and feel is similar however things are not were I would expect them to be. There is a lot more control and options - I just have to figure out where those options are.
Denise received a "note" in the mall today from the furniture store say "hello" and just letting us know if we want to spend any more money with them to not hesitate to call. The entire furniture thing is really weird considering we bought the darn thing off the internet. I think if we lived in a real town and could get someone to watch the kids we would have went to real stores to see things. But with us being basically an hour from town and then dealing with 3 kids and the nursing it would have been a nightmare. Anyway I am looking forward to the new table and I think it is going to be really nice.
Oh - i know I didn't post anything yesterday - it is just that I have been very tried and just haven't been able to put anything together to post. I have been really good about posting daily and I will try to maintain that in the future.
Very nice picture! Hopefully Deanna will start settling in to the life and schedule of the household. Sounds like you have a challenge on your hands with the new program, but I KNOW you will master the whole thing in short order. If you don't post everyday, it is understood that you are busy.
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