Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The mobile

First, we are still getting everything together and although the changing table is in the dining room that is just for convenience. Denise finished putting together the mobile for Deanna's crib. Since we do not have the crib up and operational she decided to put it on the changing table. Deanna also lost the scab on her belly button so Devin was trying to get a good look at that.

Denise also tried something a bit different today (and I didn’t get a picture of it) she basically wore Deanna all day. This worked out really well and kept her (Deanna) awake for a good portion of the day. Hopefully with Deanna being awake so much she will sleep really good tonight! If this works, I am sure Denise will try it again and I will be sure to get a photograph of that.

I did get an email back from Nikon today saying to send the lens in and they would check it out and depending on the work needed it would be anywhere from $48 to $198 dollars to tune it up. So I will probably try to get it sent in either this week or next. So that might be interesting!


At Wednesday, 14 September, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like it! I hope the idea worked. How long will you be without your lens?

At Wednesday, 14 September, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey - I like the way the comment page comes up now - better!

At Wednesday, 14 September, 2005, Blogger Duane said...

Oh thanks! Ya I think this is better for the comments.

Probably a few weeks when I actually put it in a box and send it out. But I still have the 18-80 so at least I have the focal range covered


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