Okay, so today was supposed to be the Heritage Days festival at the park here in town. I know it took us a while to finally get out of the house and on our way there so we arrived late, but there was like nothing there. It was really disappointing. We basically walked around the perimeter (I just love that word) and headed out in about 15 minutes. I think we had this event confused with one of the other events the city puts on.

On the way out we did come across this booth that happened to have those dream catcher things. So we bought one for Devin and Desirae. We forgot to get more money before we went otherwise we would have bought another one for the office, but alas we didn't.

The other plan for today was to go into town and purchase a
replacement UPS for the iMac. The old one I had on the computer was small and it died. I could have just replaced the batteries, but I wanted to get one with more outlets and a longer run time. I figure I may still replace the batters and then put it on the wireless router in the garage. This one should run the computer for almost an hour and it will accept another battery pack that will extend that by another 60 minutes or so and it also connects to the computer to track run time and automatically shut down when the batteries are about done.
Okay - so I thought I was the paranoid one of the group. However, some of my friends from work brought up a VERY good point about how wonderful people are in the world. As a result I have removed my profile from public access and will refrain from at least posting where in the world I actually am. In keeping with this subject we are a conservative, right wing, gun totting (and we know how to use them) individuals who would have no qualms about putting a well placed 230 grain 45 ACP jacketed hollow point in someone's head that decided to pay an unwanted visit. Oh, and my wife is the better shot...
I changed mine to show only that I am from Texas for two reasons, one because it is a big state to search, and two, nobody wants to take a chance that I might have some major cowboy boots to kick the tar out of them with!! (and I have some long legs that provide a long reach too!!)
Sorry your Heritage days were a bust, but looks like you had fun anyway. Nice that you got dream catchers for the kids, they loved the idea when they were here.
Probably a good idea about your location and letting people know your family shooting capabilities - might mention that includes EVERYONE in your extended family as well!
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