So, after much research we decided to go down to
Canoga Camera to purchase Denise her new point & shoot digital camera. We did get her the Nikon S1 which is
REALLY SMALL and pretty cool.

They also had it for that lower price of $299 so I didn't have to mail order it from
B&H Photo in New York. Plus the guys down at Canoga are very nice and helpful, and they also don't treat you like an idiot. I mean, I know I am an idiot, I just don't want to have someone point it out for me!
On that note I also purchased another flash unit (
Nikon SB800), 2 light stands, and 2 umbrellas. I was going to just get some of those Lumiquest SoftBox kits, but after talking with the guys down there they recommended the umbrellas and the cost was almost a wash. So, when we got home (which was late) I setup the equipment and took these photo pictures of the kids. The background is bad, but I think the lighting is GREAT!.

We were really gone for much longer than we had expected and part of that was because of dinner. We stopped in Palmdale on the way back and hit Sizzler. We figured the salad bar would be good (which is wasn't) for the diet (which it was). Anyway we did our thing there and then just headed home. We played with Denise's new camera until the battery finally died and the first picture was from her new camera.

Deanna was really good during the entire trip and didn't get too fussy about anything at all. Denise did have to feed her, but it coincided with our Canoga stop and dinner stop so it worked out well. She also slept the entire time during dinner so at least Denise didn't have to run off during the middle of dinner to feed her.
It was a lot of fun and a good road trip. We almost tried to stop at a park down in Canoga, but we would have been the odd ones out and decided that probably wasn't such a good idea. At least now we should end up with more photographs of the kids doing, well, eh, kid stuff!
- NOTE - Something is going on with blogger and I am not sure what it is. Earlier today the entire site was down and I was unable to post anything to the site. They obviously have it up and operational now, but it has really been flakey. I truly hope that they don't bomb out and loose everything!
You make me laugh and I especially love that about you! The pictures are great and I am looking forward to MANY more. Denise's camera is the greatest. Sizzler used to be a great place to eat, but I don't really like it much anymore. Salad bar choices are Fresh Choice or Sweet Tomatoes!
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