This blog is a daily journal of everything that occurs with the household. It will focus on Denise (my wife, and mother of our wonderful children), Devin who is 9, Desirae who is 7, Deanna who is 3 year and me. Sometimes the content may be ordinary, but is always something worth remembering!
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Devin to the doctor...
Devin had an asthma attack this morning that was fairly significant. Denise was able to get him under control for a while with a breathing treatment and his inhaler. So I ended up heading into work. When I called back to check on him he was getting worse and Denise was successful in getting him a same day appointment with his doctor. So I came back home and for some strange reason Denise took Devin and Deanna to the doctor and I stayed with Desirae here at the house.
When Denise got to the doctor they gave Devin another breathing treatment and some steroids. That did the trick to bring everything under control and get him breathing (and talking) correctly again. However this did take a bit of time and Denise was in town for a good portion of the day.
Since I stayed with Desirae we went to lunch at Ramons (which she didn’t really eat anything) and then went to the park. I didn’t think anyone else would be there but after a few minutes someone else did show up and Desirae started to play with the other little girl that was there. I did capture some video of this and Desirae really wore herself out. The funny part about all of this is yesterday she was wearing me out playing tag in the park. I do not think she ran as much as she did yesterday but maybe it was all the work from yesterday coupled with today that just drained her energy. When we got home she curled up next to Denise and fell asleep.
The other interesting thing for today is a dump truck hit a power line and took down about 13 power poles. This took out power to a good portion of the city - including our house for about an hour - and has left Rite Aid still without power. So for now I am unable to even drop off the numerous prescriptions that Devin was given today. I will have to try again later to see if they finally open - but since the pharmacy closes at 1800 hrs I don't think I am going to make it for today. When I went out to check we also have an apartment fire burning right now so all the emergency services vehicles moved off the power pole problem and down to the fire. Talk about a busy day!
Glad to hear Devin is doing better - poor little guy. I like the video and the park pictures. The cut out is cool.
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