This blog is a daily journal of everything that occurs with the household. It will focus on Denise (my wife, and mother of our wonderful children), Devin who is 9, Desirae who is 7, Deanna who is 3 year and me. Sometimes the content may be ordinary, but is always something worth remembering!
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Moving the car seats...
In preparation for Devin's physical therapy appointment in Bakersfield tomorrow we rearranged the van to hold all three kids. It really worked out better than I had expected and Devin was even able to get into the van and his seat by himself. I really didn't think he was going to be able to do that!
Devin also lost, well actually he pulled, his next tooth today at school. They were kind enough to place in it a little envelope and send it back home with him. I know I should have gotten some photographs of that but I forgot. I had told Devin earlier today that if he pulled it himself I would talk to "mommy" and we might get him a special present for pulling it himself. So we may just make a trip to Lancaster this weekend and pick him something for "saving" us the pleasure of having to pull it for him... That's pretty gross if you have to do it.
Anyway Desirae had a play group day - but again there was no camera. It didn't really matter though because Desirae was not really in the mood to play today... Maybe need week we can get some pictures or video that will be worthy of posting!
Wow - Deanna actually looked like she was tracking the camera!
Van looks good with the three kids.
Devin lost his other tooth - YAHOO!
Rose really liked watching Deanna. It was her favorite program to watch this morning!!
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