She's back... Kinda...

The only thing we did this evening was watch Team American, World Police!. I don't think Denise thought it was as funny as I did, but I thought it was hilarious. The movie is completely stupid and all characters are marionette puppets but it was really well done.
Oh, the great table search continues. I thought we had decided to do that one from JC Penny, but I think Denies has found a different one what she wants. She might order the Sunset Trading Essex Double Pedestal Trestle Table tomorrow. It is a bit more than the other one, but it looks like it will be much nicer too. She will get more information tomorrow when she calls them...
Cute picture of Deanna. I suppose since she was such a little angel when she first arrived that she had to "do her thing" for a little bit. I checked out the link for the movie and I am thinking - Not! I never watched South Park either. I love the table.
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