Monday, September 12, 2005

I'll have the...

There are so many choices I don't know what to pick! We had to go into town today after work so I met Denise and the kids in Lancaster. After we finished what we needed to do we headed over Red Lobster for dinner. It was a bit more traveling than we really should have done and Denise was spent when we finished, but it was nice to have a good dinner. I am still sticking with the diet thing and I tried some salmon (I have never had that before) and it was pretty good.

Oh, Devin is dirty (on the arm) because he and a friend decided they are going to dig a hole to China. They started today and they hope to make great progress tomorrow. Jayde has said she will bring snacks when the hole is finished, and Devin said that mommy and daddy are invited to go down in the hole... Great - am so looking forward to that trip!

Denise and Desirae did play with the kid-map for a bit of coloring which was pretty cool. Deanna was pretty good and let Denise eat before getting too fussy. Unfortunately Denise was really trying to eat fast to finish before she had to nurse Deanna again. Normally she "KNOWS" when it is time for Denise to eat - but this time she stayed out. We hung out at Circuit Cit when it was time to feed her though and that worked out okay.

While at Circuit City I did check on that camera Denise wants, the Nikon S1, but their price was way-too-high and I think I will just order it for her from B&H Photo. B&H is $100 cheaper than Circuit City so I think it is worth it to just do the internet thing.

OBTW - I REALLY like that new(used) Nikon 20mm 2.8 lens I got off eBay. It is very sharp and is a nice lens. I may have mentioned before that I think I will send it to Nikon for a once over (the focus is a little loud in the autofocus mode) but Nikon wouldn't answer the phone (well, it answered, but not by a human). Most of the pictures from the last few days have been taken exclusively with that. I have also been using Imagenomic Noiseware in Photoshop Elements 3.0 (MAC) and it has been working VERY well. I have been shooting the photos at ISO 1600 and then running this noise reduction software on it and I think they look GREAT.

I haven't forgotten about the video - I just haven't had the time to edit anything else and get it online... Hopefully I will have something new before the weekend!


At Monday, 12 September, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pictures! That camera for Denise is awesome!

I am expecting some great shots "in the hole" and I will be really looking forward to seeing those :)

Congrats for sticking with the diet - not an easy thing to do.


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