Okay, here is the deal. You may remember a week or so ago I took my Murano into the dealership to have the Bose CD player and power mirrors looked at and fixed. I gave them instructions to keep the vehicle until they were done with it. In the meantime they also informed me that I should have the 30k mile service done and then told me I also needed new tires. So that whole ordeal was a little over $1k. Anyway, I have the day off and we decide to go into town - Bakersfield to be exact because Nissan tells me they have the new radio and the car will be done today, "Come on by at 5pm and pick it up" is what they tell me. So I think, heck, it is like 1pm right now so this will work out great. We can go into town, do some running around, and go pick up the car!
So, I go and get the car and pay my ransom money to them. But, in the mean time we start SERIOUSLY looking at the Nissan Titan trucks. They just happen to have a model with the features I want and we do the look around, drive, and numbers game. So we get all the paperwork on the deal and head out to leave so we can look at the PAIN and decide if we want to do it. I figure no problem, just drive the van and my Murano over to our pre-selected dinner spot and we can talk about it and stuff like that. Plus I am thinking about the nice Bose CD sound I am going to enjoy on the way over there.
But wait, I start to drive away, turn on the radio, switch over to CD and NOTHING. Well, nothing as in the display says "PRESS EJECT". So like I press EJECT and it does nothing but continues to say "PRESS EJECT". I mean WTFO. They had the car since last - last Thursday and the boneheads didn't CHECK to make sure the CD player actually WORKED!!! I mean give me a break. So now I dropped the car back off at the dealer at their "early bird" window and I still don't have my car.
Needless to say I am pissed off about this. I mean they should have fixed the damn thing. So I dropped $1k for the other crap (service and tires) and I still don't have a car to drive. Well I guess I could have kept it and who knows WHEN I would have been able to get back over there to drop it off again. This is total BS.
Oh, and about the truck. We are not completely sure what we are going to do about that. We don't really want to extend and increase a payment, but damn those are really nice trucks and it would be nice to have something that everyone could fit into that we could also pull the trailer behind. More than likely we are not going to do the truck thing - but we haven't ruled it out yet either.
So, aren't car dealerships just WONDERFUL!!!
Okay, so it appears that they are going to have to order another Bose radio for the car. I have not yet received a followup call on this so I am not really sure where we are with this. I did tell them that I was NOT happy about this and that they needed to do something to make this right. I am not sure if they are going to do anything, but I hope they do. I also don't know when I am going to get my car back. So stay tuned for this experience!