Do you really NEED a mouse?

When I got home I was able to narrow it down to (I think) a mighty mouse driver conflict. Now I only figured this out because after I tried everything else I could think I plugged back in the old mouse and everything started working again. So I removed the "control panel" for the Logitech mouse and rebooted the mac. So far everything is working fine, though I am not completely sure I really fixed the problem. I did shut down a few times and logged in as different users to try and mimic the problem. But everything seems to be okay (I think Bob (the mac) just doesn't like her).
So, I know you are dying to know what Nissan said about the radio... Well, so am I!!! I guess calling back wasn't part of the deal. I think you have to pay extra for that, though I thought I was CLOSE to that price considering the ransom I paid them yesterday.
Hey now - Bob does NOT hate Denise! Computers and cars - yikes can't live with them or without them.
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