A time to sew...

The most interesting thing from today was the telephone call I received from Jax who was a very good friend of mine from High School. As I mentioned before we had lost touch and just recently re-reconnected. She is currently living in England going to school and working. Pretty exciting stuff and it was a real treat to get a chance to actually talk to her. We had been trying to coordinate this for the last few days but the time zones have been the real problem with that. With me being home today (more later) it was the perfect opportunity to talk. I really hope we can connect more often, but if not there is also email and blogs!
CAR SAGA - Okay, Nissan still has not finished my car because the "new" (not really new, but I don't really care) new one did not show up this week. They do have the car detailed, gassed up, and ready to go. I could go get it, but then I would have to deal with the logistics of getting the car back to them so I think I am just going to wait. As it stands right now they MIGHT get the radio in on Monday but then again they might not. So I am not sure what to do. I guess I could just get the car and take it back next weekend if they get it in. I don't know... What a pain.
Ah, speaking of pains, my back went out AGAIN and this time (yesterday) I just went to urgent care. Back (muscle) pain can really be discouraging and I figured I would just go get some REAL drugs to deal with it. They have helped and I also got my first ever doctors note to stay home, not that I really needed it. Hopefully things will get back to normal soon. I think I have been a little stressed/frustrated and that my back has taken the brunt of the pain on this.
Oh, and in case you are interested I did use the new Alien Bee AB800 to illuminate the above photograph. That is a pretty neat unit and it is going to be great getting more used to it. Hopefully if I am up to it this weekend I will take some more portraits.
I purchased a new book yesterday, Photoshop LAB Color : The Canyon Conundrum and Other Adventures in the Most Powerful Colorspace that covers an alternative way to post process your images in photoshop to bring out the color saturation in the images. I decided to play around with this and I thought the results were really impressive. So, below I have a LAB (pronounced L A B) process image and the original I posted on the blog a while ago. It is truly amazing what you can accomplish in Photoshop

Wow - the difference of the pictures is truly amazing! Technology is incredible and getting better every day. Hope your back gets better soon, but nice to be home.
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