
This blog is a daily journal of everything that occurs with the household. It will focus on Denise (my wife, and mother of our wonderful children), Devin who is 9, Desirae who is 7, Deanna who is 3 year and me. Sometimes the content may be ordinary, but is always something worth remembering!
I am beginning to get a little sick and tired of UPS... In the last two weeks they have screwed up two shipments for us. The first one was the books that Denise order and the latest one was a B&H Photo order I made for a replacement eye cup. It seems they can get the package in the local area - and then they send it to the WRONG place!!! I wrote BH and asked them to credit me the shipping (that I paid extra for to get it YESTERDAY). I am thinking that I am not going to use UPS anymore - at least for a while
Okay - so I was a bit more out of it than I thought and I forgot to actually push the "publish post" bottom to post this on the blog... So it is a bit late, but here it is nonetheless...
SIDENOTE - Denise ordered two books from Barnes and Noble. Well she has been following the UPS tracking all week and everything was to be delivered on Friday. However, the package scans at the UPS Ontario location and then just disappears. No package was delivered - and UPS's tracking does not show any other movement of it. Denise did call B&N today and they were happy to state, "We didn't lose it, UPS lost it. So I am sorry there is nothing we can do until UPS admits they lost it". So according to policy they have 1 to 8 days to try and find the package before B&N can do anything for use. Great customer service! I mean I guess there really isn't much they can do - but it would have been nicer if they could have been a BIT more helpful.
One thing I am surprised about is the fact I don't mind driving down in LA that much anymore. Before when we would have to go down there I would freak out and just about have a panic attach. Too much cars, motiion, traffic, people etc. But I think I have FINALLY gotten over that I am don't mind so much doing down there. I still don't like the parking lot freeways and I think I will stay away from the 405 but once you get off the freeway and if you travel surface streets is isn't so bad.
FYI - I did find the "white bar problem" for windows users on the site. As it turns out I had some bad HTML code that caused the formatting in Internet Explorer to be off. I replaced the code with something else and it appears to have fixed the problem.
It is truly amazing what you can find when you just keep hitting the "NEXT BLOG" button at the top of the page. I was doing that tonight looking for different ways people had formatted their style when I came across this one site that had a SHADOW on their text. Now they didn't need a shadow, but they had one. So I did a quick view source and found the magic little code that puts a drop shadow on text. I have been beating my head against the wall trying to figure a way to make the text look right on my new header - and now I have it. I just told it to drop shadow the text with black and now you can actually read everything. Anyway I thought some of you might find that interesting out there...
With that, I think I am going to sleep...
Hmm, it looks like this may only work with the Safari web browser... Will have to check from different machines tomorrow...