Deanna is doing much better - with her air treatments and antibiotics. She still isn't sleeping throughout the night - but her breathing is much better and she appears to be feeling better. When Denise picked up the new nebulizer for Deanna and Devin they also gave her some "special" masks. I think Deanna is a bit too young (duh) to really appreciate them, but they are kind of cute. The funny thing is that she really doesn't mind the mask whereas Devin
HATED the masks and would freak out every time we tried to use them. It is a bit frustrating that we have to use the same stuff with Deanna and I think we are both
hoping this is an isolated event and not something that we are going to always have to do like we do with Devin.
Well I think among everything else I have also gotten sick so I am pretty beat and I am going to call it quits...
Okay - so I was a bit more out of it than I thought and I forgot to actually push the "publish post" bottom to post this on the blog... So it is a bit late, but here it is nonetheless...
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