It's hard to believe that all our concern over the last 24 hour has been because of Deanna. I mean doesn't she just look sweet and innocent? So Denise took her back into the doctor today to see how she has responded to treatment and the answer came back good. So
NO HOSPITAL stay! However they are concerned about that growth on her neck. Kind of weird that they are worried about that now. So they went ahead and did 6 x-rays to check her heat and hip. I am not sure what they are thinking on that one but I guess it is just something else to worry about. But at least they are referring us to Children's Hospital again!
With everything that has happened in the last couple of days Devin has been
REALLY behind on his homework. But tonight he caught himself back up and did just about all of the work on his own and pretty fast. There was also a note from Jadye saying that Devin walked the entire way to and from the lunch area (which is about as far as you can walk at school). So all in all I was pretty impressed with him today.
Well Devin is starting to wear his new eye-patch! I tried to get him to let me take a picture wearing it but he wasn't really happy about the whole situation so I refrained from taking it. I think he thought the idea was cooler yesterday
BEFORE he had to actually wear the darn thing. I just hope that it actually helps! Considering the success we have had working with his legs maybe we can have the same success with his eyes! We can hope can't we!
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