Saturday, October 08, 2005

Why did we go into town?

We had this BRIGHT idea to do into town for some reason today. Denise wanted to go to Jo-Ann's to check out a craft table she was wanting. She received an online coupon for it and wanted to see if they had one. So we headed into town for a grand adventure. So our first stop, well actually our second stop - no wait a minute our THIRD stop was at Jo-Anns. I will go more into that later! Anyway - back to the story - they did have the table she wanted and she also found some patterns that she liked. The new "SUPER" store that they just built is really nice and pretty darn big especially compared to their old store. They also had a really large FRAME selection, so I might just have to go back and find some nice frames (they are expensive though).

The wind was really blowing today and every time we got out of the van Desirae felt like she was going to get blown away. Denise did put on a sweater for her right after this picture because she felt like she was FREEZING.

Okay - back to stops one and two. Our first stop was to Ramon's Mexican restaurant which I am sure is a BIG surprise to everyone reading this blog. It was nice and we actually ran into one of Devin's old aids. It has been about three years since we have seen her and she was really excited to see Devin. Actually she said she recognized us (since we were sitting down) by Denise's hair. Anyway it was really nice to catch back up and she has gotten out of the teacher aid business and has started her own house cleaning service. We thought that was pretty cool - and we might even employe her services.

The second stop was to the Jeep dealership in Lancaster. Denise had seen a new Jeep on the road (I have read about it online) that is like a bigger version of the Grand Cherokee. However, Lancaster being Lancaster they didn't have any of the new models so it was a stop and run type of thing. See - that's why I didn't start out with that stuff because it wasn't that exciting. Besides I didn't have any pictures of that - and I needed to lead with something that went with the picture!

Our next trip (after Jo-Ann's) was to Barnes and Noble books. I was wanting to look again for Photoshop books and photography books. I really lucked out on the photo book because I found EXACTLY what I was looking for in Spring into Digital Photography. I have been looking for a book that covers the fundamentals and this one really hits the nail on the head. Everything I have found before this book (and didn't buy) just wasn't what I was looking for. This one goes through all the basics; lighting, compositing, rules-of-thirds, leading lines, etc. The other book I found was Adobe Photoshop CS2 one-on-one This one wasn't really the one I was going to get - but it came with a two hour video tutorial from the same company that did the tutorial that came with my Photoshop box. Denise found three different puzzles that look like they will be interesting.

Well it wouldn't be a normal trip into town without having to stop and feed Deanna. She was really pretty good for the trip and we only had to stop once. Other than that she pretty much slept the entire time.

Our plan for the remainder of the weekend is to make a trip to the Los Angeles Zoo at some point. We were thinking about going tomorrow but have decided we need to get some things done around the house. Since Monday is a holiday for me we are thinking we will just head down there then


At Sunday, 09 October, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow - busy day. I will have to get the table particulars from Denise.


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