Then there was two...

The worst part about having to go into town is how much TIME it takes to do it. 45 minutes to drive down there - 45 minutes back and then whatever you need to do while there. I did the on-line purchase thing for Sears thinking that I would just walk in, scan my card, and be on my way. Boy was that a mistake. I could have bought the darn thing in the department, get lunch, and then it might have been ready. So I don't think I will be doing that again any time soon. I was really hoping that it would have sped things up - but it didn't.
I did make a run over to Barnes and Noble to look for a cook book for Denise and more photoshop books for me. Both where a bust as they didn't have the cook book she was looking for At Home Cafe: Great Food and Fun for Everyone and I couldn't find any Photoshop books that really jumped out and answered any of my current questions. So I bailed on that idea.
It is truly amazing what you can find when you just keep hitting the "NEXT BLOG" button at the top of the page. I was doing that tonight looking for different ways people had formatted their style when I came across this one site that had a SHADOW on their text. Now they didn't need a shadow, but they had one. So I did a quick view source and found the magic little code that puts a drop shadow on text. I have been beating my head against the wall trying to figure a way to make the text look right on my new header - and now I have it. I just told it to drop shadow the text with black and now you can actually read everything. Anyway I thought some of you might find that interesting out there...
With that, I think I am going to sleep...
Hmm, it looks like this may only work with the Safari web browser... Will have to check from different machines tomorrow...
I certainly hope that Deanna and Denise can escape getting sick. I hope the air filter will help with Devin's asthma.
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