Wednesday, October 26, 2005

A little better...

Well, I am sick now... I think this is fairly evident to me since I just about finished this blog entry and then hit the wrong button and dumped the entire post. Pretty frustrating...

Everyone else is starting to get a little better and we did make it through last night without anyone throwing up though we were not sure about both Devin and Desirae for a while there.

This evening Denise brought out the construction paper, bat & ghost templates, and set everyone on their way to cutting out these creatures for our halloween decorations. I didn't even know we were going to do halloween decorations. I took the pictures then spent the rest of the time pretty much laying down being a big baby...

Tomorrow Devin will go to the doctor to get checked out and a note saying he can go back to school. If he is considered not sick he will also get a flu shot. Otherwise, if he is still sick they won't give him it and he probably won't get one this year.

That Lacie Porsche drive arrived yesterday (I think). So it appears to be working alright. I have all my photos, videos, and music backed up to the new drive with an automated routine setup to perform daily backups. I have also reformatted my other external and made a copy of everything (minus the music, not enough space) and that is in the safe. So at least my backup routine is better...


At Thursday, 27 October, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's okay to be a big baby once in a while. Tell that to Denise Too.

At Thursday, 27 October, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you guys will get this out of your system and be healthy for the rest of the winter!


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