Another successful 4th of July! It was a bit of a mad house and in all we had 25 people show up Brad; Randy, Melissa, Alicia Amsler; Randy, Gina, Isabella, and Sammy Willson; Tony, Jaquie, and Nathen Atallah; Kris and Gail Wohlcke; David Purcell; Rob, Kim, Matt, Daniel, Alex, and Danny Mendoza. Needless to say it was a full house.

We made a TON of ribs and we have WAY more food left over than we thought we would have had. That also included four racks that I complete burned on the baking phase in the grill. We still had ribs cooking in the house and in the trailer so it wasn’t that big of a deal. Denise also made her signature dessert dish that was WONDERFUL as usual.

Randy brought over an inflatable water slide thing that the kids really enjoyed. I didn’t really get a chance to see much of it because I was fighting with the ribs. But it looked like it was going to be a lot of fun and the kids kept going on it the entire time I was cooking and only stopped when the food was done. Since I was cooking I didn’t get a picture of that. All of the kids did play pretty good with each other and I think they all had a pretty good time.

Randy Willson decided to do the paparazzi thing and took my camera for a while. He seemed to be having fun with the camera thing and took a ton of shots. The best part is he did get a couple of Denise and I which generally doesn’t happen. Oh, in this picture Rob had just pulled down Randy's hat over his face and decided to make this goofy look. It was pretty funny and I had to figure a way to work it into the blog.

The Wohlckes', Atallahs, and Mendozas didn't stay for the fireworks but they all helped us put a dent (if not very large) in the food. It was pretty funny, and Kim called it, when Rob was locking the door and driving off. Again it was great that everyone made it out here and I hope they enjoyed everything.
It was a VERY tiring day but a lot of fun. I really appreciated all the help that Brad was in doing everything today. I think it would have been difficult to pull off had he not been here and was such a good help! So