After a long battle with various internet companies I
THINK I have my internet woes fixed. As it turned out, during our 4th of July "Party" the phone guys really gave me a hard time about my telephone wiring. So last week I ran a new (well old really) CAT5 cable from the network interface box to my DSL modem. As soon as I did that the reliability went up and I called Verizon and had them bump the speed back up. So right now my connection seems to be on all the time and the speed is good! It may go down by so far we haven't noticed.

I also uploaded the
fireworks pictures to Smugmug. I tried a few different techniques this year and I think they turned out pretty good. I didn't take as many as last year though. I have this series setup as a rotation backdrop on my desktop that changes every 10 minutes.
nice pictures - Max
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