Water day...

On another note, we received word that Brad made it home okay. I am sure that was a VERY LONG trip but at least it is over.
This blog is a daily journal of everything that occurs with the household. It will focus on Denise (my wife, and mother of our wonderful children), Devin who is 9, Desirae who is 7, Deanna who is 3 year and me. Sometimes the content may be ordinary, but is always something worth remembering!
Thanks for the comments and compliments you left on the blog, you two. High praise coming from both of you, it's encouraging when people accustomed to excellence in photgraphy give some nuggets to a starter like me (smirking smile here but sincere grattitude anyways). And since I enjoyed seeing comments so much, I thought you might too.
Oh by the way,
I am having trouble with my username?!? so I am going anonymous.
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