Bakersfield & Lake Ming

At one point we stopped at Costco, I needed a new (another) external hard drive to store all my pictures and music on. Anyway, at one point we told Devin he needed to be careful walking behind the shopping cart because if he wasn't paying attention he would walk right into it and smash his teeth on it. Well, about a minute after we said that he did just that! So he smashed his loose teeth on the shopping cart and started bleeding all over the place and freaking out. He finally calmed down but it was a bit stressful. He didn't knock his tooth out (because that would be toooo easy) but they are definitely looser. Tomorrow I think we are going to pull the main one.
We also made a stop at Toy-R-Us which is right next to an internet cafe. So while I was waiting in the van with the kids I fired up my MacBook to see what I could see. My system quickly found the cafe and connected to their wireless network. When I ran a speed test on the line I couldn't believe just how fast it was. The download speed was a bit over 6000 and the upload speed was around 1400. That was INCREDIBLE!!! I sure wish I could get those speeds at home!
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