Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A day of recovery...

Wow - I really think that the holiday needs to be the day AFTER the 4th of July! Denise and Brad did A LOT of work around the house today and made a tremendous amount of progress. I, unfortunately, had to go to work and it was a LONG day. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to stay awake through the whole thing. I did connect up with Rob and Randy (Willson) and all of us were pretty much dragging.

I was able to get a few hours off for Friday so we should be able to hit the road early so hopefully that will turn out well. We are really looking forward to this upcoming camping trip!


At Thursday, 06 July, 2006, Blogger Donna Rae said...

I am sure you will have a great time camping. When the 4th falls in the middle of the week, it is hard to make the adjustment.


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