Okay, so I am going to bounce around a bit because I think I need to explain the opening picture. Yes, I am attempting to BBQ in a complete desert downpour. Actually during this it also hailed and the weather was basically just out of control. We had planned on doing another round of steaks (didn’t I say, bring on the steaks in the last post?). Anyway the weather was starting to turn, but I didn’t really think it was going to get too out of control and I figured at the worst it would just sprinkle on me like it did the other day. No big deal… Well the sky opened up and dumped water on us. The power even went out for a bit. We finally brought the steaks into the house and finished them on the George Forman. They turned out okay but I think I need to try again... Though I am not sure if I am ready for this again tomorrow though...

Okay, so this was a pretty bizarre day. It started out pretty much like I mentioned yesterday. I got up early to meet the guys for a MORNING of shooting. I emphasize MORNING because by the time it was 0800 it was getting pretty hot and by 0900 we were packed up and heading back in. We did start a bit before 0700 so it was a good morning. We accomplished what he had planned; we zeroed Kris’ new rifle and scope. Nice equipment!

All right so mixed in the middle of this was a little bit of HALO2 and then we moved on to the puzzle. It was actually my idea, and considering I don’t really like puzzles I don’t know what I was thinking. The main thing, we did actually finish the puzzle before the end of the day and man, was that a lot of work. It was fun, and it was nice to do something that didn’t involve the television or computer. We basically just worked on the puzzle, listened to music mixed in with dinner and the theatrics of that.
I tell you though, the weather was REALLY strange!
I absolutely love the picture of you doing your thing in the rain! What a trip and leave it to the desert to surprise you with the funky weather. How fun to do a puzzle. I have not done a puzzle in ages and if Max ever finds some free time from homework, it would be a pleasant way to spend an afternoon. Thanks for sharing and keep the posts and pictures coming!
Opps - I am not anonymous, I am Nana!
I love this site and I will try to check it everyday. Please keep posting. With the pictures and the accompanying story it is like being involved in your family life on a regular basis and I really appreciate it!
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