That tooth finally came out!

I did FINALLY dig out the table saw and started, and completed, a project. The keyboard drawer on the desk is basically useless and I have been using it as a drawer. However, without anything on the back things tend to fall out the back. So I added a lip on the rear and sides to enclose the shelf. I HOPE this will keep things in their place, and off my feet!
I have been performing a backup marathon trying to make sure everything is appropriately archived and backed up. Unfortunately I have 210 GB worth of data (pictures, music, videos) that I need to protect and it takes FOREVER to move things around. I started about four hours ago the 2nd move of this data onto that USB SATA drive that I have, and man is it SLOW SLOW SLOW. I don't think it could be much slower!!! The problem is I need to archive everything before I run my older libraries under new version of iPhoto because it will migrate the libraries. My 2005 library is over 70GB and that is going to take a while too. The only bad thing about digital photography is the damn storage!!! Shooting JPG this year has helped out by my 2006 library is 19GB.

Does this mean my daughter is really the tooth fairy?
That smile is something to duplicate on your next Halloween pumpkin!
Thanks Duane for the compliments. My pictures are really helped by the quality of the scenery in front of the lens than the eye behind it. Your comments are a real encouragement for me to keep playing with the camera (which means I will keep asking for technical help every now and then).
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