Spinning and spinning...
Desirae got a sewing machine for Christmas from Uncle Gary but it was damaged in the box. Denise spent some time trying to figure out a way to make it work but in the end I think we are going to need to just give up. I think it was her mom that said if she tried to just make this one work and it was bad then it could really make Desirae's first experience sewing not a good one. So she is going to come up with a better solution so that to alleviate that possibility. I mean Desirae still may not like sewing but at least it will not be for that reason.
Update: I have been going through my photographs and trying to consolidate the images into my main Lightroom library. I am really amazed just how many images I have. I finally got to 2006 and I thought I was up to date except I found the original archive with 12,856 images in it... So as it stands right now I have:
Now I realize that (I hope that) there are at least 1,048 dupliates in my 2006 section... Oh well. The good thing is I have been missing some shots from that year and now I think I know where they are! So if everything is correct that is 36,270 digital images and that doesn't include what Denise has capture or our earlier non-NIkon stuff. So at 36 exposure roles that would be around 1,007 roles of film. I would guess that would be around $7 a roll for the film and process so it is about $7k. Wow...
I am also sending off my Sekonic tomorrow to test out their service. I had waited because I thought I would use it this weekend... I didn't... Oh well.
I am also waiting on the Photoflex guys to tell me when the new case is in stock. I still haven't figured out how I am going to send that one case back... So all in all I am not thrilled with their support but I am going to wait to see how this plays out before I make final judgement...