Today was the retirement ceremony for Carol Allen. She is the administrative assistant for the 95th CS Commander. She just recently came back to the squadron and enough though she was planning to retire in the next couple of years because of restructuring of positions she decided to leave early. It has been a very bitter sweet event. We don't want her to retire but we are all excited for her to move on to the next phase of her life. So a couple of the Lieutenants organized a small "Tea Party" theme for her retirement party. Quite a few people packed into the room and it was a pretty cool event. The guys from my flight (Mission Systems Flight) pooled some funds together and bought her a flower arrangement. So when my time came to present I handed off my camera to Lt. Jason Read and he took over the photographer duties for a bit.

I also had the opportunity to process some of the basket ball photographs. Todd introduced me to this new collection of filter presets that enable me to modify the look and feel of the images. Personally I think it really saved the entire lot of shots because the heavy noise really made the photographs look a bit rough. Anyway I put the images up
here! In theory the guys at work want to make large prints of the images that Todd and I captured and put them up in the "Comm Closet". That is the "break room" that the guys put together. Anyway, if they decide to do that it is going to be cool to have my images up on the wall.

Todd sent me this photograph of myself. It's kind of cool to actually see how much of a goob I look like when I am photographing something! Tomorrow there is another game and depending on schedules I may try to make it back out there. I know Todd is planning on bringing different equipment so it is possible that he will get even better shots. I think with my equipment I am going to be stuck with more of the same. I could try to use my 50 1.4, which is my fastest lens, and that MIGHT give me a boost with lower ISO otherwise I am stuck with my 2.8 lenses (which are considered fast).
Fun is always good!
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