After a short worry this morning everyone is home! I guess there was some problems with her color and we were not sure if Deanna was going to be allowed to come home today. In the end, everything was cleared up and both Deanna and Denise were cleared to depart the hospital. That did take quite a while and I didn’t actually find out until almost 1500 hrs.
Nana (Max had to leave today for work tomorrow) stayed with the kids while I drove the trip back down to Lancaster. One thing I can tell you is it was a bit odd drive down there the way we went on Friday considering just how close everything was. We could have very easily had Deanna in the van on the way down there, and considering how nervous we were about her being early that would have been
Speaking of that (being early) it appears as though they (the doctors) think they might have been
wrong on the due date. So now we are not sure how early Deanna really was. If it wasn’t six weeks it would have been
nice to have that little bit of information! That would have also kept the stress level down quite a bit during the short delivery.
Once I finally did get down to the hospital they were very quick to release her and we were on our way within an hour. We did have a bit of a moment when we were trying to figure out the car seat. I had installed it into the Murano, but failed to read the direction on how to adjust it once the baby was actually in it. After two tries (on my part, one on Denise’s) we had it figured out and she was securely fastened in!
Denise did ride in the back with Deanna on the return trip. I think that is one of the frustrating things about rear facing car seats; you can’t actually see anything that is going on. It was a very uneventful (albeit long) trip back. However, it was really nice to be bringing everyone home!

The kids and Nana were eagerly waiting Deanna’s arrival and were poised at the door when we finally came in. Devin, like yesterday, was really excited to see her and wanted to hold her as quickly as he could.

All in all it was a really good close to the day. It was really strange and neat to have the new baby in the house and it is a bit overwhelming.
With all this; going on tomorrow is the first day of school for Devin. I am not sure if I mentioned this yesterday, but school orientation was on Saturday (which we didn’t go to), so we will be going in cold. I am going to take him in tomorrow and his aid Jade should be there again this year, so he will have someone with him again