So, Devin has been working on a puzzle and asked me to help. Really over the last few days he has been wanting to do a lot of things with me. I think I finally got it through my thick skull that when he does that I need to just stop what I am doing and do whatever with him. I really wish he would have just asked me to watch because he was doing a
REALLY GREAT job on the puzzle. Everything you see in the these pictures he did himself without help from anyone.

It was fun because he was trying to "win" and get more pieces put together than I did. We actually did finish the puzzle!
Denise took the kids today to
Paint a Dream and they made ceramic stuff. The end results will be ready Monday evening. So, since Denise forgot a camera (again) I will post pictures of the stuff on Monday when we get it back.

Okay, so I admit it, I have a problem. It's an eBay problem. Well, actually it is a Nikon problem. I want more Nikon glass. I mean, is a wide angle lens too much to ask? Especially with that annoying 1.5 crop factor due to the APS sensor size. Anyway, I really
WANT a faster wide angle lens. I keep looking at 20mm 2.8, 20-35mm 2.8, and the mondo expensive 17-35mm 2.8. I am trying to convince myself that a 20mm lens is
NEEDED before the baby comes so I can get some really nice photos. I don't know! I do have that 18-70mm lens - but it is SLOW SLOW SLOW. Anyway I have my eye on one auction where I MIGHT be able to get a 20mm for a good deal.
Well after my long sleep I do feel a lot better. I am not really sure what the deal was or why I was so run down. Personally I think it was stress related from the storm, the briefing (which went okay), and the ordeal with Norm and his seizure.
Yes, Dad, you are right - go when asked.
That is a great picture of Devin.
I understand the EBay problem - good luck.
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