We made it to day 2! Deanna and Denise are both doing VERY well and getting closer to coming home. Had Deanna had a movement earlier in the day they would have been able to come home but alas it didn’t happen so they get to stay in the hospital one more day. So day 3 will be the homecoming!

Today was also the day that Devin, Desirae, Nana and Max had their first opportunity to see Deanna! Devin was immediately happy to see her and wanted to spend as much time as possible as close to her as possible. It was really great to see this enthusiasm about her and he kept saying, “She so adorable”, which was very ah, adorable!
Desirae, on the other hand, wasn’t quite a happy to see her. I am not sure if she really understands everything that is going on, and I think she is more associating the birth of Deanna to the absence of Denise. I truly hope this doesn’t become a problem, but for most of the visit Desirae was nowhere near as enthusiastic as Devin was.

Nana and Max also had their chance to hold Deanna and she was very cooperative with all the attention. Actually everyone, including Devin and Desirae, had a chance to hold her. Obviously we were much more guarded with the kids, but it was great. Devin wanted to hold her a lot and Denise finally had to tell him that he would be able to once we came home. There just wasn’t really the support available for him and we didn’t want to risk him dropping her or anything like that.

Denise has also received a lot of telephone calls over the last two days and I would like to say “Thank You” to all those that have connected with her. With us living so far away from the hospital, once we all leave she is there pretty much by herself, and Deanna isn’t much for conversation right now!
Well, I am still pretty well beat, and I am going to shut it down for now. I will post the pictures from today on smugmug, but it will be later, probably tomorrow. So check back later for the link!
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