Today was Deanna’s first doctor appointment with Dr. Burchett. She is a bit jaundice and the doctor had us go do a quick lab so they could check her blood levels but other than that everything appears good.

The doctor did say that we
SHOULD NOT be putting her in sun light, especially with the heat. The order of the day is to continue feeding her and if her legs turn the same color as her cheeks then we have to take her back in to redo the test. Otherwise we just press on with what we are doing. She did loose a few ounces and she weighed in at 5 lbs 11 oz (I think) so that isn’t too bad.

Devin started riding the van today. So I went out there with him to get him loaded up. I was beginning to worry because they were running a bit late. The entire school thing this year has been fairly messed up and they just don’t have their act together. So now they want to pick Devin up at 0800 hrs, which is the time he is supposed to be in class, because they don’t have enough van drivers and too many kids. I guess this is going to get worked out soon, but it is still irritating.
Max is using the technology available to stay connected and when Devin and I came back from our walk Nana, Desriae, Denise, and Deanna were all video conferencing on the computer. I thought it was really cool how everyone is able to stay connected so I snapped the this picture.
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