Denise had asked me to take some "studio" type photos of Deanna since we didn't have any taken at the hospital (I know, I know, I have taken more pictures in the last five days than most people take in a lifetime). Anyway, we hadn't done anything so today was the day we set everything up in the living room, setup an appropriate back drop and lighting, and put Deanna in a very cute dress. Nana helped hold her into position and Denise got to her focus on her. I think the shoot turned out pretty good!

Deanna isn't the only one getting attention around here. Nana and Desirae took a moment today to work on a puzzle together. I am not sure what it is with puzzles, and one would start to think we do them all the time, but we are starting to do them a bit more often. Either way working on a puzzle is much better than watching TV!

I think it was yesterday when Denise found the softball and said, "
See I told you that her head was about the size of a soft ball!" So today we positioned the two together to get this comparison photo. I don't know, but I
SURE AM GLAD I am a boy!
Rabbit Update! Well I think I can just about claim VICTORY! on this rabbit thing. I have engaged targets outside the perimeter with one additional confirmed kill and I have not seen any other sign of the enemy lurking about. I do think it may take a few more days to confirm success, but my hopes are high.
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