Today was a busy day! Today was Devin’s first day of 1st Grade. Because of the birth of Deanna we did not attend the school orientation on Saturday so we did not know who his teacher was or where his class was going to be. There was also confusion on transportation because he will be taking the van again this year. So off we (Devin and I) for the first day of school! The school is also under going construction on a remodel so everything was confused this morning. We had to walk a LONG way to his class and we only found it because we started walking. I mean
NO ONE had any clue as to where we were supposed to go or where the classroom really was. We finally found it – and we also found Jade, which helped settle things down quite a bit. It was kind of funny because at first Devin was asking me to stay with him all day and after we got into the class room and he was situated he said, “Okay, bye daddy see you later.” So I figured that was my cue to leave. I came back to pick him up and he walked most of the way and then road in the wheel chair the rest of the way. From what Jade was telling me he walked a lot today.

It was also another eventful day with Deanna too. Today was the first day of her “sun bathing” experience. Because of the jaundice we have to get her sun light for about 15 minutes on each side. This is really helping, however the sun is pretty darn hot this time of year!

She also got her hair washed today which was interesting. Pretty hard to position a little doll like that around to do that. However Denise and Nana had a pretty good system figured out and all I had to do was photograph it.

Nana has been wonderful helping Denise and us out and that has been
AMAZING. I don’t know how we would have been able to do this with her help! So
Hi Big Daddy
You atated "So I figured that was my queue to leave." That would be "cue" Duane. Really! All your kids are very cute, do you know who the father is?
Jordan - thank you! It is the Rounders 2 theme, the only think I have "customized" is the links section otherwise it is just the basic theme available.
Ang - you know I remember when I wrote queue and I don't know what I was thinking... What can I say I am a little tried. However, I am still loosing pounds so I think I just might when the bet!
I do have one question myself on this - the other people who are commenting - are you real people or is this just advertisements to get people to your site? I admit I am really surprised about the comments from folks who I don't know. I appreciate them - it is just something I didn't think about when I set this blog up.
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