We had a
GREAT Thanksgiving with a lot of people over at the house. We had obviously our crew (Denise, Desirae, Devin, Deanna, and myself) and we also had Denise's sister and her family (Michelle, Fred, Sarah, Aaron, Rachael, Caleb, Mary, and Justus), Denise and Michelle's Uncle Gary, and we also invited Gina Willson and her children (Isabella and Sammy). It was a pretty
FULL house. As you can see from the photograph above the new (broken) table worked out
VERY well! We had 12 people sitting at the table, 2 people at the bar, and Fred set on a bar stool and held his plate. It was very crowded but we were able to put all the food on the table. The best part, the table DID NOT BREAK in half while we were eating. I think Denise and I were both really worried about that.

It was really neat seeing Denise and Michelle in the kitchen together cooking Thanksgiving dinner. Since they are moving to Bolivia the end of December I think this just might be the last Thanksgiving we get to do with them for a long while.
We decided to cook the turkey in the grill again this year. So I guess something good did come out of our stove breaking last year - because I can tell you now that I would have
NEVER thought of even attempting to cook the turkey on the grill. But, just like last year, it turned out really good and it was wonderful to NOT have that cooking in the house. Plus it gave me an opportunity to hang outside and make sure everything was going alright with the grill.
All in all it was a really great day and I can honestly say that I was thankful to have everyone together!