Well, I attempted to get more feedback on the forums with another portrait - this isn't the one - but boy was I hit hard on it. However everything that was said was very valid and led to this shot - which is more of a lighting check than anything else. However I think the shot works and the lighting is pretty good. I ended up pulling out all my lighting gear and the umbrellas. I was just glad that Denise was willing to sit through this and let me photograph her some more.
Okay, against my better judgement here is the image that most of the people didn't like. They HATED the lighting and really didn't like the angle of the shot. This was actually taken on the couch so I did the extra editing to eliminate it. I was sitting across so it was a direct line shot and the flash unit was at the wrong angle. I still don't hate the image - but I can see the issues the others had with it.

I did make it out shooting in the morning. Both Kris and Dave made the trek out here and we had a pretty good shoot. Well, actually the other guys did better than I did - but we all hit our targets. So what did we do today? We decided to move it back some more and engaged our favorite target at 800 yards. That is getting pretty far out there and is just about reaching the limit of our 308 sniper rifles. Both Kris and Dave were making fairly consistent hits at this range and I was the only one that was bouncing around. I was hitting the target just not as consistently.
Hmmmm since I am not a photographer I really liked the picture of Denise - lighting, angle and the whole deal.
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