The day after...

After everyone left I got the wild idea to take a boondoggle down to Canoga to visit Canoga Camera and get some ink and paper for my printer. I was running low on a couple of inks and paper and they have the best price around. It seems really odd though to drive all that way for 3-inks and 2 packs of paper. But at least I got out of there buying what I expected - well plus one book on portrait lighting.
We also drove around a bit and ended up finding a market that Denise was looking for - but they didn't have the stuff (rice I think) that she was looking for. She was a bit disappointed in that but at least now we know where the store is.
On the way back home we stopped at the Olive Garden and had a really nice dinner. One of my friends (John Swidersky) gave us a gift card there when he left and we finally got a chance to use it. Now - John - if you actually see this (which you probably won't because I don't think you remember how to get to the blog) THANKS! It was really great and we had a nice time! Still wish you were around though - but I image you are having fun in Germany!
Anyway I am pretty darn tired and am babbling now so I'm going to go!
I really like the picture of Denise and Michelle.
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