Friday, November 25, 2005

The day after...

Everyone left today. Michelle and crew spent the night in their motor home and loaded up Uncle Gary and headed off around 1000 hours today. Considering all the folks that were here the last couple of days it was a pretty good time. I did take a few photographs before everyone left - however I made the mistake of taking the shots in front of the curtains - which are VERY reflective (I didn't realize that before). I was able to do some masking to lower the brightness of the background - but it was REALLY messing with the light meter on the camera.

After everyone left I got the wild idea to take a boondoggle down to Canoga to visit Canoga Camera and get some ink and paper for my printer. I was running low on a couple of inks and paper and they have the best price around. It seems really odd though to drive all that way for 3-inks and 2 packs of paper. But at least I got out of there buying what I expected - well plus one book on portrait lighting.

We also drove around a bit and ended up finding a market that Denise was looking for - but they didn't have the stuff (rice I think) that she was looking for. She was a bit disappointed in that but at least now we know where the store is.

On the way back home we stopped at the Olive Garden and had a really nice dinner. One of my friends (John Swidersky) gave us a gift card there when he left and we finally got a chance to use it. Now - John - if you actually see this (which you probably won't because I don't think you remember how to get to the blog) THANKS! It was really great and we had a nice time! Still wish you were around though - but I image you are having fun in Germany!

Anyway I am pretty darn tired and am babbling now so I'm going to go!


At Sunday, 27 November, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really like the picture of Denise and Michelle.


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