Tomorrow is the big day, the start of the Soccer playoffs. Denise volunteered to bring oranges for both games (because we have a huge box of oranges) so she was preparing them this evening. She commented on how cool they looked (and I agreed) so I grabbed her bowl of oranges and took some photographs of it. It's not a great food photo shot but it was kind of cool and I actually made a picture so that always make me happy.
So for the "unhappy" part about this... We have to be up before 0600 and on the road no later than 0700. I think the first games starts at 0930 so we'll be there nice and early to find a nice place to watch the game! (Ya, sure hope there is a Starbucks along the way)...
The really cool part about it is that my brother Daren and his wife are going to come over to watch the games. I mentioned it to him earlier in the week, more of a joke than anything else, and he called up tonight to get directions and such and said they were going to come over. That will be WAY cool and the kids are all really excited about it!
OBTW - don't you just think that weird wall color (from our dinning room) just makes that picture "pop"??? Ya, me either... I'm thinking if I am going to continue making photographs in there I need to re-paint the room to a more neutral color that doesn't throw that "beautiful" color cast on to all my images!