Orange Groves...

For dinner we went to the Macaroni Grill and it was pretty nice. We always like their food there and they put on a pretty good spread! I ended up having a salad that was really good and everyone else had the normal thing (which means I can’t remember right now what everyone had).
Oh, on a side note. I was reading one of the stock-photography forums where someone had posted a thread about “what didn’t you use in 2009”. It was an interesting thread and one person (Bobby from that seminar I took a while back) posted that he had a Nikon 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6 AF VR ED lens that he hadn’t used and said that he would actually trade someone a Nikon 80-200mm f/2.8 AF-D ED for it straight across... Since I happen to have one of those in my gun safe that I haven’t used in like 2-3 years (since I bought my Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 AFS VR ED) I was like, “hmmm, seriously???” So as it turns out we traded lenses! We’re cross shipping and we both should have our “new” lenses next week. It was really amazing, especially considering I’m not really active on the forums and I just happened to read the thread because I was bored surfing... So hopefully it will be good too go and we both will be happy with our trade!
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