Denise has done an outstanding job of creating costumes for the kids for Halloween this year. The biggest job was Desirae's "Flash" costume which she make from scratch. It turned out REALLY good. There is also a cape but it wasn't finished before we did the photo shoot. Devin's was pieced together from different things we had plus a borrowed robe and it turned out pretty good too. Deanna was SUPPOSED to be a knight - but she decided she wanted to be a princesse instead.

Devin has been really looking forward to getting into his costume and Denise even made a "wand" for him that worked out pretty good. It was a bit challenging to get him in the pose that he wanted with his cane but I think the ones we got worked out well. So other than the borrowed robe (mentioned about) the scarf and wand are things that Denise made.
For the photos I thought we would try something different and shoot in the front yard with a circular diffuser to modify the light. Other than there was a limited area where the light was good it worked out pretty good.

Deanna has been true to form and is running around all the time wearing this outfit. Denise actually found this at a thrift store in Mojave (I didn't realize that there was one, Denise informed me there are two) and picked it up for like $2. Now we can't keep her out of it. But you have got to admit that she looks pretty darn cute in the thing.
On a more annoying note Denise found out that the male girl scout leader has been saying derogatory things about me and comments about me taking photographs at the girl scout evens. Apparently I am a stalker or something and he doesn't know who this "strange" guy is that is taking pictures with this "large" camera. He is also questioning what I might be doing this these pictures I am taking. Now the dumb ass didn't have the nerve to come up and ask me what was going on, but he will make slanderous comments like that? That kind of made for an irritating afternoon today. Hopefully Denise will be able to resolve this issue tomorrow so it doesn't get out of hand. Denise heard this from someone else who asked him about it (they put something out saying that you can't take pictures at events - or something stupid like that) and he went on to say some of the things above... Pretty cool eh???