Sunday, October 04, 2009

Photo nothing...

Honestly I had a plan. It was a good plan... Even got my insurance certificate in order "just in case"... The problem there was just way too much planned for the same day and everything fell apart. The only thing that did happen is that Tom drove all the way out here for a shoot that didn't happen.

Oh well... We did take the time to do some location scouting and then we ventured to a spot that Todd and I went to a couple of years ago. The place still looked the exact same as it did before... The roof might be in worse shape now but it was still cool to go back there.

The only real problem was the darn wind. It just wouldn't stop blowing. The angle from this shot provided a bit of a wind break so I was able to get this shot. If it wasn't so dangerous it would be a neat place to shoot from the inside.

Oh well...


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