We just made it back from our maiden voyage in our brand new 2008 Keystone Cougar 29BHS! I know it has been a while since my last post, but we have been a bit busy! So we decided to take the hit and trade in our Keystone Outback 26RS for a trailer that is it bit bigger.

Anyway so we loaded up on Thursday and headed out on Friday after work. Denise really likes Calico, and it’s close, so we made the hour plus trip and set up camp! The weather was bit odd but it added to the trip. The idea was to get there on Friday so that Saturday would be a full day of camping instead of a travel/setup. We did end up forgetting some things that just didn’t make it from the old trailer, but at least they are in the garage.

The only thing that we did forget was the key holder that we bought on our first trip out with our Outback. We bought that at Calico - and it was one of those goofy wood “Calico Ghost Town” key holder. So now we have another one that I can put up on our new trailer!
Well, we had a pretty darn good time and it was a drag to have to leave. Everything went well, with the one exception that I ruled the tow cable from the truck to the trailer. So now I have to replace that. But other than that it was a great time! Besides, I didn’t realize that until AFTER we left - so it was all good!