My brother told me earlier in the week that my grandma Leatha has taken a turn for the worst and isn’t doing very well. My dad and Donna have had her moved into their home. With Friday being a “kinda” holiday I drove into Bakersfield to see both my grandma and dad. The last time I saw her, which I think was when I took the photo to the left, a few months ago she could walk and speak. Now she is bed ridden and can not really speak anymore. When I talked to her she did try to respond and she was aware that I was there. She hasn’t been doing well for a while and is dealing with a lot of issue including cancer.

I spent most of my time hanging out with my dad, talking about what was going on. He was also working on a new bass guitar that he is building (from scratch). I also brought that new/old guitar that I picked up for work. It was really great to see him again. I am not sure how long my grandma is going to be with us.

On a side note one of our cousin’s (Linda I think) has grabbed all of the photographs at Grandma’s house and has been scanning them in for the last year or so. Yesterday in my inbox I got a few pictures from when I was a kid. I pretty much do not have many pictures from when I was kid. It was a blast to see them and it is great (and a TON of work) that Linda took on this task!
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