Monday, January 07, 2008

Drive Thru Coffee Shop

The other day we drove into Tehachapi for dinner. On the way back home we drove through the town and I ran across this neat scene of a closed coffee shop. The lighting was really neat so I parted the car and pulled myself out into the cold to make the capture. It was really a neat quite scene.

Update: I called Sekonic today to check on the status of my meter. They informed me that they did receive it, fixed it this morning and shipped it back out today. So I should have it by the end of the week! I was a bit surprised and potentially very pleased with their customer support. Hopefully everything will be working well when it arrives. Photoflex also sent me an email saying they should have the new case in this week and that I should send my case back to them. Since that one is LARGE I am still trying to figure out how to send it back. The post office just says to tape the label to it and ship it back...


At Tuesday, 08 January, 2008, Blogger Donna Rae said...

Really nice shot and glad to hear things are working with your returns.


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