Sunday, January 13, 2008

Desert road test...

I have had an idea to do some "lost businesswoman" shots along one of our many deserted desert roads here in town. The problem has always been trying to figure out what to do with the kids. So today we decided to give it a go and loaded everyone (and everything) into the van and headed out. The plan was to set the kids up with a movie in the car while we tried to do a shoot. It actually worked out very well and I think this might be a good way to start getting some of the images I have been thinking about. We shot quite a few images (about 240) and I used a reflector on a stand to provide a bit of fill. I would have lighted to shoot when the light was a bit better but for a test I think this was perfect and we got some usable shots out of it. The image above is one of twelve that we submitted.

I also spent some time today updating my Model Mayhem account. I am trying to change it up a bit in hopes that I can attract some models. I am also going to go through another attempt to recruit some new models. There are also some new people listed in town so I have some more local opportunities that might pan out.

I also had an opportunity to meet Denise's favorite person at Circuit City in Palmdale. Nick has been an outstanding source of information on everything from movies, music and games. So today we met up with him and got some more advice on games and music. We got to talking today and I found out (Denise did mention it before) that he was a musician and into various style including goth. If anyone knows me they know that for some strange reason I am really fascinated with that. We got to talking and I mentioned that I do photography and have been waiting to photograph goth type images. So HOPEFULLY he will connect up and we can create some images. He sounds like he has some pretty darn cool ideas for photos and I think it would be a blast to make them. So dude, if you're reading this, drop me a note and let's connect up! [duane (at) duaneellison (dot) com] Oh and that album rocks!


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