Death Valley - revisited...
This is a quick one. Tomorrow Devin and I leave for a long weekend trip to Death Valley. I am going to load everything up in the morning, pick him up out of school and hit the road. My goal is to be there by 1600 hrs tomorrow. We will spend Saturday and Sunday there and head back on Monday. I think we will also try to go to Scotty's Castle on one of the days. For the most part we are going to just hang out, visiting a couple of places, and play some games. All in all I am really looking forward to this trip!
Interesting note: Okay, so Denise gets this call from her younger brother Brian today. I guess after some small talk he tells her he recently moved out of state... Okay, that's cool, she figured it was Oklahoma or maybe Arkansas? Nope, he moved to Van Nuys California! So she now has family only 98 miles away... I would have NEVER guessed that would have happened! Anyway he has a bit of a cold so we aren't connecting up this weekend (with the DV trip I am kind of glad) but hopefully we will soon. Heck, he is closer than Samy's Camera...

Hope you have a wonderful time!
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