Monday, January 09, 2006

No gloom or doom

Well, today came and went and there were no floggings today. I think the entire experience from Friday is being ignored and I am okay with that. I will just have to wait and see how the rest of the week pans out - but I am optimistic.

On a more positive note Adobe released an open Beta today for their new application Lightroom which looks like an Aperture killer. Right now it is in it's first public Beta release and only available for the Mac. Adobe has decided to allow anyone and everyone to download and use this new application. From what I have seen in the first look at it, it is a VERY impressive looking tool and if the price point is good when released it will be a real winner. I watched one of their demo vdieos today and they were taking shots at Aperture so this could get very interesting.

Oh I know that I have been talking about that photographer from New York (Clay Enos). Well he is finally back from his little adventure to South America and he has StreetStudio portraits up. I think his work is very interesting and if you get a chance you should take a look. I think you will be impressed with his work.

At any rate, "thank you" to everyone that has been sending good vibes my way I think I definitely needed them and I am starting to think that the soothing light at the end of the tunnel just might NOT be a train coming my way!


At Monday, 09 January, 2006, Blogger Donna Rae said...

Hey glad to hear some positive from you - I don't want you getting slammed by a train.


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