Every "First Friday" we have a unit get-together to just meet and give out some awards (if any are pending). Today of the three people who received awards SSgt Scott Griggs from Spectrum Management received his Commendation Medal. Scott is getting ready to leave us and separate from the Air Force. We had
hoped to hire him, but the Air Force personnel system is really in a state of disrepair and as a result we were unable to get the process resolved over the last FOUR FREAKING months to get him hired. So, unfortunately he has accepted a position with the Army and is leaving us.

Beyond Griggs award we had good food (Denise made chocolate cup-cakes) and a pretty good time. I am not sure if I have mentioned anything about this before but Capt Rob Brown and Sal V through their own money and donations created this break room and established "First Friday". It has taken a while for the entire Communication Squadron to really embrace it but it has turned into a pretty good event and I have even found myself looking forward to it. My Flight (SCM) was responsible for the appetizers and they bought meet balls in two different sauces, little hot dogs and Rob made his home made salsa. Pretty darn good stuff and it went pretty quick! Actually we had only expected
maybe 75 people but it turned out to be over 100.
I was also the designated photographer for the event and I ended up taking the shots of the awards portion of the event. The images can be found
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