Denise has been poking me in the eye about not blogging so I thought I would post a couple of images from the newport beach trip and fill everyone in on what is going on. First, Denise, Desirae, and I are all sick. Desirae and I both have sinus infections and Denise has the flu that won’t go away. Devin and Deanna seem to be weathering the storm fairly well so far.
So after trying to self medicate for a week I punted today. This weekend was pretty miserable and it seemed like I was getting worse instead of better. Denise also pulled Desirae out of school and took her to urgent care because of her cough. My “same-day” appointment turned into a telephone consult with a prescription being called in. God I LOVE PPO medical plans.

So on one of the nights we were at the dunes Deanna and Denise where sitting together on the bed watching TV - laying next to me. I went to get my camera and Desirae came up and joined in. So I grabbed this image of just about everyone in the bed.
For the most part this month has been REALLY slow and frustrating. I haven’t accomplished just about anything I wanted to (photographically) and I am behind on just about everything. The only good news is that I finally made it past the mark on SS to get the “raise” so I will be earning 20% more than I was before - so that is cool.
Anyway I am pretty much out of it, but I wanted to do a quick update post... More to come - when we all come around!