I know I am behind hopefully I will have something of substance to post later. But for now I have just beat my all time monthly earnings on iStock. It isn't a lot but things are moving up rather nicely. This is also the 2nd payout that I have made with iStock so including the one from ShutterStock that is $332.92 between my two main sites. Now this is what I have in my pocket not what is pending. It is just really nice to see things starting to move. I mean I have a long way to go to quit my day job (so to speak) but this is really helping. So far my projections for the rest of Mar is that I should hit somewhere around $90 for the month. I still have a bunch of images in the queue so there is a chance that the number might go higher - and if thing stay consistent then maybe April will be a solid $100+ month. This has taken a bit longer than I would have hoped - but I am just about at my 2nd goal of reaching minimum payout every month.
OBTW - I have
FINALLY started to catch one of my
buddies on iStock. He has 15 images and he had creamed me on sales for quite a while. For a long while I was only able to maintain a separation of about 60 downloads - but today I have reached an all time low of 21 - so I just might catch him - but I bought before the 400 mark. But its fun to watch either way!
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