Well the new batch of images is helping out. I had my best day ever on ShutterStock with a total of 15 downloads. Not a lot of money - but it was nice to sell the most I have ever in one day. Earning wise I still am doing MUCH better on iStock - but in all the numbers on all the sites are going up. So things are moving in the right direction! The funny thing is one of the images that sold twice was just an out of focus image that I blurred, then ran through some filters, and then posted. It was an abstract and people actually bought it. For trivia sakes - it was one of the images from Denise and Devin in the park - that were out of focus. You can see from the capture on the right that it was a mix of images that sold today - some new some old - but still a good day.
Opps - I posed too soon... We're now at 16...
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